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Work With Me

Let us commune in a moment of stillness,

together, where you can allow the beauty of your humanness to reveal itself

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Your soul aches from relentless exhaustion, unforgiving stress, overwhelm that spares your nothing and tiredness that gnaws at your bones.  There's an internal cry to slow down and a craving for spaciousness.

Darling, this is for you.

Meet how extraordinary you are in the here and now

  ~ Sacred Pause ~


This container is designed as a single coaching session with me, where I guide you to drop into your body and your heart.

To momentarily meet, be with and feel what’s here, what’s alive and wants your attention with a warm container and loving guidance.

We’ll breathe together; an offering to our nervous systems to beautifully co-regulate, speak to and from your present truth

without a need to fix, change or cure anything, but rather to attune to yourself with your curious senses.

This will imbue you the opportunity to welcome and tend to what is already here, waiting for you.  To truly meet yourself in the slow of the moment and to meet yourself afresh.

What is being asked to be touched, to be heard, to be felt? 

- Matt Licata

This is for you if -
  • You want a space where you don’t have to pretend and pause the demands of all the roles you have

  • You want space for your exhaustion and heart's longings to be witnessed

  •  You want to allow yourself to be held, in the glorious beauty and the mess

  • You want a moment to hear the whispers of your own knowing and connect with embodied clarity

  • You’ve been curious about my work

  • You want to work with me but you’re met with resistance that stops you from taking the next step

  • You’re ready and you also need something smaller to lean into first to honour your nervous system

  • You have time and/or financial restraints but still want to experience the power of my work

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Further Details

Where -

These single 1:1 coaching session with me are held via Zoom.

Session length -

  • 60mins - were $240AUD now $185AUD

  • 90mins - were $280AUD now $250AUD

Want More After This Session?

If after this session, you feel called to dive in even deeper and would like to continue working with me, the next step is to sign up for my signature coaching offer - Healing Survival Mode


Special Invitation -

Signing up for Healing Survival Mode within 3 months of your Sacred Pause session, the Sacred Pause session amount will be taken off the total price of the coaching program price.

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