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Your Voice Matters

7th February 2023 Written by Dvonne Loring

“Your voice shakes because it knows prior consequences where no matter how you said it, you weren’t heard. Respect that tremble when you get your words out. There are memories there and everyone of them matters. Damn, you’re brave” -Nate Postlethwait

My god do I know this feeling

My first year of business was riddled with it

My throat closing

Like I was being strangled


Heat searing from the inside out of my throat

Like it was on fire

This is my body remembering how it wasn’t allowed

To speak

To express

To voice

What was hurting me

What felt true

Who I was

All when I so desperately wanted to speak… but couldn’t

The unspoken words hidden in the devastating silence pierces something fundamental inside

My business has invited me to etch closer to the agony of being wrongfully silenced and what I needed to do to cope with that

It has also afforded me the exhilaration to bring a voice and speak to what really matters to me

Historically my expression had always remained hidden, namely through the private relationship between me, pen and paper

Speaking my truth from a heartfelt place is something I never could’ve imagined I could or would do

And yet, here I am, doing exactly that


If there’s anything I wish for you to take away from this

It’s to learn this -

Your voice matters

Your story is important

Your experience deserves to be heard

You get to choose who you share what with

You get to decide who is privy to your process

That is for you, and for you to decide only

Remember, it doesn’t matter who’s listening

As long as you are


I honour that part in me and the part in you that still bears the terror of revealing itself , remembering the grave consequences from the past

I acknowledge the fear of what it is to be misunderstood

This is a tribute to all that still remains unexpressed

May we collectively commit to finding words for and a voice to the Truth that lies within each of us that awaits the light



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