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Welcome; You're in the Right Place

13th April Written by Dvonne Loring

Welcome darling!

It’s a pleasure to have you here

A whisper, a nudge or an intuitive sense

Whatever it was

Something brought you here

Curiosity to learn, to understand, to know, to discover…

It mightn’t make sense but it doesn’t need to

Something called you in

I invite you to listen to that part of you

My website is an online space for you to explore, to connect with guidance and be gifted with resources that are in support of helping you return to yourself

Coming here you are joining a growing community of women who are ready to start living their lives, not the life that they were told to live

Doing that doesn’t come without fear

This journey; this life asks for great courage

Sometimes more than we feel we have

And that’s why you don’t have to do it alone

I’m here to serve women who are ready to connect with themselves in new and profound ways

I guide women to holistically heal from survival mode, release patterns keeping them perpetually stuck through rebalancing the nervous system, meeting the mind and all of its persistent chatter, lovingly turning toward the deep wisdom of the body and inviting the feminine spirit back in. Get in touch with me if you're ready to dive in

Otherwise, enjoy this safe space, it has been carefully curated to be in service of you

Much love xx


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