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My Female Health Journey: Part 2

23rd September 2022 Written by Dvonne Loring

Empowered Wellness

Feeling invincible my period had come, I immersed myself into independently researching what can support my unique female health. I scoured the internet, looking at medical websites, listening to podcasts, discovering other women's experiences, exploring Eastern medicine, alternative and holistic approaches and generally sought vast information. Although I came across lots of contradictory information, which at first touched that frustration and apathy that had long been a mistress in the relationship with my female health, I was determined.

Not everything landed for me but the information I decided to follow was material that had embodied resonance. I was cherry picking. Slowly but surely, I was compiling information that became my own guide and a starting point.

Slowly, over time, I began making drastic lifestyle choices including radical changes to my diet, harnessing the medicinal power of food to support me and my immunity, I honed in on improving my sleep cycle, I revisited my cyclical living knowledge with new found commitment and intention and I rigorously reassessed my relationship with alcohol.

I also had a hard honest look at what was causing stress in my life and what I could do differently. This (among other factors) informed my decision to resign from the most handsomely paid role I’d had in my career and leave a cause that I was passionate about, stepping away from the community mental health sector. In choosing this, I stepped into a great unknown professionally which was terrifying in order to prioritise my health.

This story isn’t to say I know exactly what to do in any case for any woman and I’m by no means a doctor providing medical advice. This experience and now ongoing journey and relationship that I’m learning and creating with my own optimal female wellbeing is what inspired me to include ‘The Feminine’ aspect to my holistic trauma informed framework.

This is a story to illustrate that coupling commitment and intuition empowered me to naturally begin holistically healing my own female health. It also demonstrates that connecting more deeply with yourself will allow you to follow the intuitive cues that your body is always communicating to you. Our bodies are incredibly intelligent; we have self healing mechanisms braided into our being. All we have to do is position ourselves to allow those mechanisms to do the hard work for us.

By making decisions central to my overall health + wellbeing in the larger context of my life, created space for what’s more serving and in line with my priorities, providing me with options beyond the fear based ones only available to me within survival mode.

Learning about and tapping into my cycle has been another significant way I can foster sustainability in my life. Each of the four distinct phases informs my energy levels, how I plan my work, it guides how I socialise, what movement and exercise to do and when and what to nourishingly eat.

Cycle syncing is the antidote for burn out because it honours the intrinsic ebb and flow that hums within us. In a time where burnout is rife and becoming more ubiquitous, and where survival mode is becoming the norm, that to me is fucking revolutionary.

In the last year my period has regulated itself for the most part of 80%. When there have been irregularities, I use it as an opportunity to reflect on what contributed to that which then guides me to making a few adjustments for the following cycle.

When my bleed does arrive, it calls for pure celebration. It’s a sign my body is well and I’m pulled into reverent connection with it.

This also isn’t about perfection. I’m prone to going down that rabbit hole, where I rigidly hold onto this structure and if I deviate from it, my inner critic capitalises on the opportunity. I catch myself when this happens. Self-aggression also creates a flush of stress on the body, so I’m learning to give myself permission to be lovingly imperfect with this.

Now, the irony is - survival mode can make it difficult to hear these cues I'm speaking to, the very cues that can support us to heal from survival mode. And so the principles I’ve learnt from my experience is an offering to my clients to learn the language of inner feminine wisdom - intuition, embodiment, connection, trust and the art of rest to invite the healing our bodies are capable of.

To build a relationship with our dynamic bodies, learning to listen and allow that to intuitively inform the support we seek.

To empower us as the experts within and of our own body.

A by-product that came from what felt like magic was the extraordinary feeling that I have great power over my health. I was seeing it unfold before my very eyes.

There is incredible wisdom to be discovered that can create the balance our bodies are yearning for as women. We just need to begin by tuning in.


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