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Making Dreams Come True

7th September 2024 Written by Dvonne Loring

I took myself on the biggest adventure of my life

I was a virgin burner, flying solo to Burning Man in the Nevada desert

The experience is still not yet ripe enough to articulate into words

But integration has already begun about how this experience wants to inform my life moving forward


On my first night I had people asking me how many burns I’d done

“This is my first” I’d answer

Their responses echoed the same sentiment - that I seemed like a veteran who has been many a time before

What’s interesting is - I’d never been to the playa and yet it felt like I had

“Welcome home” burners would say


Burning Man itself didn’t surprise me

The felt sense I had about it was exactly as I’d anticipated and expected

“Of course.  Exactly.  Yes.”

What I didn’t expect was what this experience evoked in me


I’ve spent much of my life running away from my internal world

Trauma has a powerful way of disconnecting you from yourself in a way that is not only harrowing but deeply painful

Had I gone to Burning Man in my younger years it would’ve been the epitome of escapism for me

It would have served as an annual pilgrimage to forget the default world, to suspend my dread-filled reality and immerse myself in a man made fantasy city for a week or two

But this wasn’t how this experience touched me

Instead, I was vividly reminded that I’m creating a life that is centred around what is important to me -





Emotional depth


My life is by no means perfect, yet it doesn't need to be because but my goodness it’s meaningful

I have places and spaces where I get to be truly me

I have relationships that are mutual, reciprocal and are filled trust and safety at their core

I have people who I love and who love me in return

Burning Man hasn’t turned my world upside down highlighting where I’m living out of alignment

It has boldly written in the dust that I am in the right mother fucking place

The peace that fills my being at this reminder is the sweetest thing

The more me I become, the more effortless life wraps around me like a soft velvet

“There’s nothing to control, there’s just somebody to be” - Kevin Crenshaw


After the year I had last year and the repair process that I’ve been journeying ever since

It was gruelling to hold onto hope that I couldn’t feel

My heart was deeply broken along with my own trust

But I chose not to run

I chose to stay with parts of me I had abandoned long long ago that revealed themselves in relationship dynamics that were causing incredible harm

I chose to stay and look deeply into the what has been hurting my entire life

In doing so, I found myself

I reconnected with my own humanity

So here I am

On the other side of making one of my wildest dreams come true

I chose faith over fear and this has restored love, meaning and purpose

There is much to learn from what goes wrong in our lives if we allow it


Burning Man and all that came with it is beyond words

“Not everything in the heart can be said” - Nizzar Qabbani

Will I return?  I’m unsure, yet

But what I do know is 

It has lit a fire that has me burning with inspiration on how life can become richer and fuller


They say the playa provides

Ain’t that the goddamn truth

I’m eternally grateful 


If you're wanting a safe to connect with your dreams

If you want to speak them into the tangible world and have them heard

Join my online women's circle Sept 18th

Let's dream our dreams together and allow them to inspire us

Learn more here

1 comentário

"It has boldly written in the dust that I am in the right mother fucking place" To hear that this experience has given you that validation is such a rare and special gift! I'm so happy for you, and I can't wait to see what emerges from this. Let your inner fire be wild and free.

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