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Healing Power of Winter

25th July 2023 Written by Dvonne Loring

In recent months I’ve been turning inward

Retreating into hibernation

Cocooned by introversion

It feels timely given I could feel this rousing with the lead up to Melbourne’s Winter

Winter invites the slow

It’s a time of hibernation, reflection, conserving energy, doing only what’s absolutely required and leaving the rest

It’s a time to allow the learnings of the last year to metabolize and distill, allowing them to meet you and for that meeting to alchemise, birthing the wisdom your life and experiences can offer you

It yields a fertile ground to reconnect with yourSelf without the noise

The quiet allows the powerful guide your body is to sharpen

Your body is always communicating what you need

In the slow, that can become easier to hear

This doesn’t mean you want to hear what it has to say

Or that you know how to listen and tune in

Often being stuck in survival mode disconnects you from your body, making it incredibly difficult to hear its whispers

What’s important to acknowledge here is - even if you choose not to listen, your body will never abandon you

Your body will find creatively louder ways to be heard

Often through pain, tension, illness or disease


Modern life has displaced us from the natural rhythms we’re inherently a part of, yet we can learn so much from the seasons

Turning towards the healing power nature holds can support your own body’s healing

The richness of Winter summons your survival mode body riddled with tired exhaustion into the rest and retreat it hungers for


Here’s how to synchronize with Winter to support you -

When you want to push, boldly allow yourself to pause

Gift yourself a glorious exhale when you notice you’ve been holding your breath

Gently stretch your beautiful body when you feel tension

Relax into taking up space when you feel yourself tighten up

When it feels scary to slow down, whisper to yourself “I am safe”

Remember, rest is not a thing to be earned

It is an absolute necessity to health, wellbeing, healing, living and being alive

Allow yourself to honour your limited energy and capacity

Share less

Be less social

Less open

Less available

This is not only required and needed

But wholesome and nourishing

This darlings is a part of the dance and mystery of cyclical living

Recognise that your body is a self healing and wonderfully intelligent organism

Be curious and willing to see where it takes you and how deep it goes

Winter’s blessing are yours


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