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Expression, Vulnerability & Authenticity

11th August 2022 Written by Dvonne Loring

Writing Confession

I wanna give a little peek into some of the interesting things my mind spins about my writing

“You’re being dramatic”

“Why do you write so emotively”

“You take things too seriously”

“People are gonna think you’re over the top”

“Your depth isn’t welcome”

“You need to ease up”

Writing has been a trusted friend, an ally and a confidant most of my life

I take great pleasure in exploring vocabulary that precisely hits my felt experience and creates a voice for it

Although it has always served the purpose of expression for me, I never imagined I’d share my writing

What was once only an intimate space between pen, paper and I, has now opened up in a grand way thanks to my business

Being a part of my community, you are my witness

I am also graced with the invitation to enter your heart when you feel resonance and receptivity and we get to feel together

In that moment, when my words land in a place of knowing within you, we share an unspoken connection and tap into the interconnectedness of life

It’s similar to when you listen to music that takes you to another place, a song that evokes goosebumps on your skin, when you feel in awe of the night sky, when you’re touched by the beauty of a sunrise or sunset, when nostalgia is spurred on by a familiar aroma or you share a soft gaze with a loved one

It’s no different

There’s vulnerability in allowing ourselves to feel the humanity that lives inside us; it is an attuned moment of presence

And so, I don’t curse my mind’s resistance in its efforts to hide my expression to keep me safe in hiding

My motivation to share is now greater than the resistance

I’m compelled by the love of truth and its expression... Even writing that feels edgy... because… well... It’s true

I’ve quietly always known my writing had the potential to move people

It has done so for me my entire life

Here’s to expression - in all its forms that allows us to wade through this majestic life and how that acts as an offering for connection between each other and all things

Connecting with the courage to allow your authenticity to pour into the world is at the centre of my work. If you want greater freedom to be who you are, I invite you to take the first step - come, get in touch with me here and let’s make it happen

Additional NOTE - mmm this blog post had a strong desire to speak through me and reveal itself today. With the full moon in Aquarius on the horizon and its themes including freedom, expressing yourself proudly, storytelling

It makes sense

Be you darling, that’s all life asks



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