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Covid Reflections

19th June Written by Dvonne Loring

My time had come; the pandemic rite of passage had arrived

Monday 23rd May 2022 - I officially tested positive to the virus that has, for many of us, changed the landscape of our lives

To my surprise it wasn’t what I expected

I imagined it to have a sobering effect; an overall frustrating inconvenience

But it was quite the contrary

How lovely it felt to take care of myself

How blessed I felt that I had nourishing food on hand to support my recovery

That my kitchen was naturally filled with healing remedies ready and on hand

I used the medicinal power of food to support my immunity

I felt gratitude for everything that I ate knowing it was supporting my healing

I ensured I was resting

Not numbing out

But actively relaxing through breathing, journaling, mindful movement and just being present to my experience

I savoured waking up everyday, making my teas, tonics and tinctures

I was able to harness and apply cycle wisdom to further support me

I indulged my Covid needs with pleasure and delight

It was an opportunity to bathe in the loving nurture I offer others

And it made me reflect on how the life I’m creating affords me the space to take care of myself

To be influenced a little less by external pressures that would usual draw my attention away from meeting and tending to myself

Interestingly, a part of me feels… selfish for writing that

Mmmm…meeting conditioning about how a woman’s life should be structured

Where she doesn’t have sovereignty over her resources, how she chooses to use them and where to focus them

The intersection between survival mode and being a woman has its own unique complexities

As women, we must choose ourselves in a world that encourages us not to; a world that wants to keep us locked and loaded on survival mode and unsustainably living off survival stress

We must choose what’s important to us and stand for it, prioritize and advocate for it

It may feel like a sacrifice because we have been sold the lie that we can have everything

Not realising that to have it all comes at the cost of ourselves


Choose wisely

Choose discerningly

And know you are worthy and deserving of whatever you choose

This will offer liberation

I choose to continue to create, cultivate and live a sustainable life

One that allows me to take care of myself so that I can be of service and contribute in a meaningful and abundant way

My experience of Covid was one of overarching gratitude

I witnessed the fruits of my healing unfold before my very eyes

A whisper from the universe that I’m in the right place

What do you choose for this life that is yours?

If you struggle to take care of yourself, if life feels like it’s racing off ahead of you, you’re working harder, doing more and feeling like you’re falling behind, Healing Survival Mode is my 1:1 coaching offer that guides women back to themselves and empowers them to tune into the wisdom of their authenticity to create rich and meaningful life.

Learn more here


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