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Befriending Yourself

5th April 2023 Written by Dvonne Loring

Sharing words of affirmation with myself is a relatively new practice that’s come into my life in recent years

My healing journey has profoundly shaped the relationship I have with myself from what it once was

Ever so slowly shifting from one filled with unbearable shame and dream destroying doubt

One where the tyranny of my inner critic was the ruler of my life

Berating me

Belittling me

Dismembering me to reveal the utter worthlessness I believed to be true

There are still times where I don’t have nice things to say to or about myself

I still feel the sharp pinch and the somatic recoil from the impact of this familiar blow

What’s different now is that I’m much more deeply connected to the part of me that knows the truth of my worthiness

That connection allows me to befriend myself in ways that are warmed with love rather than cursed with disdain and contempt


How do we cultivate this type of relationship with ourselves when we’ve never learnt or been modelled how?

It begins with gently acknowledging where you’ve had to leave yourself

It begins with honestly and tenderly meeting yourself where you’ve had to turn away

It begins with creating intimacy with our delicate hurt

Simple. Profound. Not easy. Yet not impossible.


I frequently share words of encouragement





and celebration

With myself

I often whisper sweet somethings to myself

I can now use my own love to meet the places where my heart has been broken over the course of my life

I can say - “I love you Dvonne. I deeply care about you”

-And fucking mean it-

Rather than collapse into a shattering despair like I have many many times before

Your love is healing

It’s what your heart is longing for

The journey back to yourself is a rite of passage in this modern world that pulls us away from who we are

If you want support to embark on this voyage back home, DM me to learn how I can support you



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