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Be My Witness

13th August 2023 Written by Dvonne Loring

Darling I want to take you on a journey with me

This feels awfully edgy

I was umming and ahhing about if I wanted to do this or not

If I wanted to reveal this process as it unfolds or wait…

I’ve decided to invite you into my personal undertaking of creating and birthing my very first in-person workshop

Mmmmmm there it is

The declaration

Things become a lot more real when you say them out aloud

This feels like a quantum leap in my business

Taking what has been in the ether and all online, and grounding it in real life


Being an online business owner, who works 1:1 with clients, isolation can be a strong theme

I’ve been craving, yearning in fact for community within my work

How can I create that?

Many different ways, and this is one of them


Inspiration can come in its many forms

I felt excitement enliven me when this idea came to me a few months ago

This embodied inspiration that I could feel deep in my lower belly felt like warm honey

This is what I describe as inspiration meeting my knowing, and thus an intuitive nudge was born


Despite having all the skills - public speaking, facilitation, coaching, space holding, group work, hosting

This is new

And there’s a unique gravity that comes with this because it means something to me


My first steps have been to reach out to local yoga studios to enquire about potential spaces that will be the home to this workshop

This liaison and enquiry, initially, felt empowering - “I’m taking action towards this offering”

After receiving response from half a dozen studios, a sudden shadow came over me

There is it -


“What if no one comes?”

“How much will I price the tickets at?”

“What about if I make a loss?”

“Can I really do this?”

I felt an internal sag

There was a sickening feeling in my gut

A nausea-like feeling pulling downward

I felt heavy

I became withdrawn, pulling into myself

At that point, I stopped what I was doing

I paused because there was something more important needing my attention

Not the task at hand, but the embodied process that was emerging

I got frustrated - “I don’t want to feel uncertain”

I didn’t. I want to feel confident, bold and empowered

I was pushing the feelings away because they felt threatening to my creative process

It’s this darlings that made me decide I want my community to be privy to this process and to walk alongside me as it unfolds

Though my studies are in holistic counselling and I’ve worked across different spaces and sectors in support of people and I now work as a coach

I am, before all of that, a mere mortal

I am no different to you in that I fucking feel

My god do I feel hesitancy, insecurity and suspicion of my ability

I haven’t transcended this human experience where I’m immune and untouchable

Quite the opposite - I’m committed to descending deeper and deeper into the layers and textures of the life that’s moving through me

Which means getting in more intimate touch with my own wariness

I still have resistance to my own fear

I still resent when what I’m feeling doesn’t match how I want to be feeling

I still deem some experiences as unwelcome

I still avoid

That’s all a part of being imperfectly, authentically human


And so, with that said

Here you are cordially invited to witness me go through the throes and fertile learning ground of bringing to you my first ever in-person workshop this Spring -

Authentic Blooming - Spring Offering to Express More of Who You Are

This is your permission

To move and express

To blossom, open and ripen

To witness and be witnessed

To connect and commune

To voice to hidden

To embrace the perceived unlovable

To unveil what’s often kept in the dark

By allowing what lives inside you to be aired

Allowing it to be be felt

And to be witnessed is one of the most transformational, authentic, intimate and empowering gifts for all involved


The lead up will be a POV showcase of what happens behind the scenes so you can witness and connect with the rawness instead of only being presented with the cut and polished

It's to humanise this experience for both you and I

This feels revealingly vulnerable

If you’re in Melbourne and would like to learn more about this offering, send me an email here

I would love to have you join me in what will be an unprecedented experience



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