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11 Proudest Moments as a CEO

8th December 2022 Written by Dvonne Loring

Choosing to start a coaching business and believing in it

What a choice. What an arrival. And what a reverent and continued commitment I’ve made.

Allowing myself to be supported by loved ones, peers, colleagues, coaches, new connections, strangers

The amount of support I’ve received to be here blows my mind. From generous financial support to constructive feedback, praise, assurance, well wishes and resonance to business coaching. I’m proud that I allowed myself to be held through this initiation that has been my first year of business, that I chose to not do this alone.

Recognising that what I have to offer has impossibly beautiful value, and that it’s also not for everyone

I’ve connected with a sense of purpose where my pain and suffering wasn’t all in vain and in fact can be of meaningful service to those on a similar path.

I’ve revealed myself and have had myself witnessed in the mess

I’ve felt disappointed. Goals haven’t been met. I’ve felt like a failure. Doubt has paralyzed me. Allowing my shame to be adorned by the light was a simple yet seismic choice that has acted as salve on very old wounds. I’m proud of choosing to lean into the fire rather than fight against it. I didn’t sideline fear, I acknowledged it and allowed myself to be seen in it. I’ve challenged the story that I’m not good enough, I’m unworthy and undeserving and offering evidence to these scared parts that supports my Truth.

I’m finding my voice and its expression to reach those who resonate

I’ve become clear on who I work with - women who, like I’ve experienced, are in the grips of patterns that don’t serve them, that exhaust them, that rob them of their zest and vitality, women who are stuck in survival mode and aching from the disconnection and emptiness, yet know there’s more to themselves and to life than this.

I’ve become clear on how I support these courageous women - through the trauma informed holistic framework I developed which is the pouring of wisdom distilled from my own experience and healing journey. The four pillars are - the nervous system, the mind, the body and the feminine to support healing, balance and returning home to oneself.

To share my writing publicly and use it as a platform to speak what feels true to me

This is something I still have to pinch myself for. I judge my writing for both being too emotive (and dramatic) and also when I haven’t captured the poignancy my heart so desires, yet I cannot live without it; I will combust if I don’t write. It has felt liberating to open up what has historically been powerfully but quietly personal. Compliments about my writing truly make my heart swell and it’s a pure delight to experience the connection it procures.

I’ve recognised and celebrated my successes viewing them as worthy, deserving and important to acknowledge

As a recovering perfectionist, I come from a background of relentless expectation. Unforgiving standards, where I should know everything before I’ve even begun. Where there is no mercy for missteps. This has cheated me from appreciating my achievements. I’ve been able to bask and relish in my accomplishments and not let the opportunity to slip on by.

I’m creating a work environment that sustainably works for me

The best way to predict the future is to create it ” - Abraham Lincoln

Well I’m doing exactly that. I want to honour myself not as a machine but as a colourful, multifaceted human and in doing so means I can be in better sustainable service to my clients.

My business has become its own entity

Work in the past has always felt exploitative in nature to me. It has demanded I do things I otherwise wouldn’t and where I’ve had to abandon myself to varying degrees. My business feels like an ally, it feels supportive, it has patience for me and honours me to show up imperfectly, it doesn’t demand me to push and override.

This business isn’t just about me, it’s about what it stands for - it’s a showcase of service, contribution, healing, what’s possible, expression, creativity and sustainability.

I’m embodying authenticity, vulnerability and courage with continued depth

I’ve fumbled, I’ve made mistakes, I’ve been incredibly unsure, I’ve felt stuck, I’ve been consumed with fear, I’ve resisted, I’ve panicked, I’ve backed away, I’ve felt uninspired, depressed, anxious, I’ve felt lost and disoriented, I’ve procrastinated, taken risks, felt like I was going to die and yet I’m still here, with a lifelong commitment to closing the gap between how I feel and how I present myself.

My business symbolises a level of self trust I didn’t know was available to people like me

For most my life trauma has consumed me. I was simply too anxious to consider possibilities and options. Thinking into the future was far too overwhelming when each day felt like I was wading through a war. Making commitments felt impossible. Doubt didn’t allow me to pursue opportunities I otherwise would’ve loved to. Depression left me lifeless, with no energy to meaningfully engage in what was important to me. I had such little bandwidth to connect with life and all it had to offer. Life felt fucking scary and the only way I could manage was to shut as much of myself down, to expose less of myself to the world and hide.

What I’m most proud of and define as success in my life is different to the cultural narrative. I haven’t had direction from the outset, I didn’t get a great job straight out of highschool. I didn’t steadily work and professionally advance with promotions and pay rises. I don’t currently own property. I’m not married or have children. I don’t have what society quantifies as “success”. And that has made me question myself, a lot.

My definition of success is different. It’s qualitative in nature. It’s how I feel, it’s the relationship I have with myself, it’s my sense of belonging, my place and purpose in this world, it’s my interconnectedness with those around me and life itself.

As someone who has spent most of their life directionless and painfully lost, I want to acknowledge how navigating, managing and healing unresolved trauma can often make you feel like you’re behind, that you should be somewhere ahead of where you are. I see how trauma ravages not just individuals but people and communities, leaving them at a disadvantage because they didn’t start with an even playing field. Although my plight has been arduous, I’ve also been graced with privilege that others simply aren’t.

Starting a business has been a reflection of my healing journey. I can’t believe who I’ve become but the reality is, this is who I’ve always been buried under who I thought I needed to be or what I had to do to create safety in what felt like an incredibly unsafe world.

Here’s to 2022, starting a business and all that has come along with that. It has acted as healing balm to the somatic residue of trauma that lives within me.

I look forward to sharing more of myself, allowing my work to extend and reach those alike and for us to add to the collective pool of healing together.

With humble gratitude,



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