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Awakening your fullness

Healing Survival Mode

4 Month Journey to Discover Your Authenticity

Image by Pawel Czerwinski
You're a woman of depth who is ready to awaken your deserving, allow your authenticity to express itself & embody your FULL Self
Image by Monika Kozub


Doing all the “things” to exhausting proportions and yet still feel empty?


Struggling with - 

  • People pleasing

  • Over achievement

  • Perfectionism

  • Self Doubt


Feeling at a loss with yourself, unsure how to meaningfully move forward in a way that is deeply nourishing and fulfilling?


Buried beneath piles of obligation?


Just existing, going through the motions, not living your own life and living it for others?


Hearing a background hum that knows there’s more for you, you just don’t know what that is?


"A starved soul can become so filled with pain, a woman can no longer bear it”  - Clarissa Pinkola Estes


Anchor 1

I intimately understand these struggles as I have navigated them myself.  I know what it's like to feel at the mercy of these survival patterns and feel achingly disconnected from myself.

Yet now, I am living a life that is allowing the richness of my authenticity to sing through.

My 10+ year personal and professional journey has bestowed me with the tools and resources that I now want to offer you for your healing.

Anchor 2

~ Healing Survival Mode ~
1:1 Coaching

This is for...

I enjoyed playing with the natural light

women who are deep thinkers, big feelers and have powerful insight but are feeling empty and imprisoned by chronic stress, overwhelm, exhaustion and disconnection.

This 1:1 coaching container will support you to acknowledge what's keeping you stuck in survival mode, begin to release these holding patterns and discover meaningful ways to show up in your life.

It will invite you to let go of the shoulda, coulda, woulda's and start embodying your truth.

We don’t have to be everything.  In fact, all this work invites you to do, is to be YOU with new refined clarity and ownership.

The deepest work can often be the darkest.  That’s why safety - emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual is fundamentally important in this work.  Cultivating safety within your own body within the safety of the container I provide and our coaching relationship to put to rest who you thought you needed to be and connect with who you really are.​

What you are waiting for is waiting for YOU

"We need only listen to those parts that have gone unspoken, hear their whispers and invite them to turn into a roar"

- Dvonne Loring

When you sign up for
~ Healing Survival Mode ~
Here’s an overview of the program structure
& the 4 core topics:

Crystals for holistic living and lifesty

First Month // Nervous System (NS)​

Our nervous system is central to our experience

Here you will learn:

  • The foundations of the NS to create a map of what drives these survival patterns and responses

  • About NS regulation & Window of Tolerance to start harnessing your NS to work for you 

  • The relationship between the NS and survival mode to begin to live as your are now instead of how you once needed to 

  • The importance of safety, to start building a relationship with your unique NS and begin cultivating the grounding of Self trust


Second Month // The Mind

How we think informs how we feel

Here you will learn:

  • The relationship between the mind + the NS 

  • How to harness the power of thought and use your mindset to lift you out of feeling stuck and connect with your own agency and power

  • Identify unconscious beliefs + recognise limiting stories to begin rewriting them to come home to your primal Truth - your are worthy, whole and loved


Third Month // The Body

Allow the body to be your guide

Here you will learn: 

  • The relationship between the NS, thoughts and emotions to invite you to return to your body to balance and heal itself

  • To be guided through Inner Child + Re-parenting processes to turn towards the parts within you that need your love the most

  • To engage in Emotion Focused processes to be with and somatically process intense emotions to create the safety your soul aches for in order to express itself freely

  • To participate in shadow work processes where you will meet parts of yourself that were rejected, denied and exiled to integrate into your wholeness and create freedom


Fourth Month // The Feminine & Integration​

Connecting with the power of life

Here you will learn:

  • The echoing relevance of safety to connect with the inner feminine to allow you to release hustle culture and melt into slowing down

  • Learn about inner cycles, how they can guide and nurture you to sustainably thrive in your life

  • Engage in meaning making processes to reflect on your change, growth and emerging self to continue to bring your fullness beyond this container and pour into the rest of your life moving forward


  • A 30 minute introductory call for us to meet and land in the space of trust, possibility and healing together so that we can already begin cultivating the safety your body craves.

  • A detailed client questionnaire so I can get a deeper understanding of your current landscape in order for me to tailor the program to ensure it meets what's present for you.

  • Twice monthly 1:1 coaching calls, we will have 8 in total over the course of the four months held via Zoom.  Each coaching session is for 60 minutes so that your burning questions are answered and this is where the deep work of being safely guided through holistic healing processes will happen. The final coaching call is 90mins to create space for integration and closure so that this work transcends beyond this coaching container and continues in your life.

  • ​Additional email coaching support from me in between coaching calls for questions or queries that surface.

  • Comprehensive monthly workbooks that I have thoughtfully created specifically for each topic that includes holistic resources, information, material, practices, journal prompts and tools.

By the end of this coaching program 
you will:

  • Have begun the powerful journey of holistically healing from Survival Mode

  • Experience space between you and these patterns liberating you with the freedom to begin being who you are

  • Started to safely return to your body, inhabit this beautiful vehicle of life and tap into your own internal riches

  • Begin to bathe depths of Self trust, Self belief and Self love

  • Have started the discovery of more sustainable, meaningful and nourishing ways of honouring yourself and living your life

Anchor 4


This journey is priced at $2444AUD.​


I offer two payment plan options - ​ 

  • 4 x monthly payments of $615AUD

  • 8 x fortnightly payments of $310AUD


Special Invitation -

Learn more about how to get an additional coaching session with me included with this container here


Darling - your permission is here and yours for the taking.

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